COMMERCE 3QA3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, Cash Flow

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1. 1 chapter questions: which of the following variables is considered random or probabilistic, future interest rates, last year"s advertising budget, last week"s sales data, historical stock prices, historical interest rates. Difficulty: moderate: which of the following variables is considered non-random or deterministic, next year"s cash flow projections, future interest rates, last year"s income, projected value of the euro next week, projected nasdaq index. Difficulty: moderate: determining how much the solution will change if there are changes in the input data is part of, model formulation, model solution, model interpretation, model development, model assessment. Difficulty: easy: if all the variables in a model are under the control of the decision maker, then the model is considered to be, probabilistic, random, mathematical, schematic, deterministic. 1: which of the following models is a picture or drawing of reality, physical model, schematic model, scale model, mathematical model, analytical model.