[COMMERCE 3MB3] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (74 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Culture = the values, norms, habits and ways of life characteristic of a coherent social group. More broadly, cultures includes both the abstract ideas, as well as the material objects and services. Culture is the lens through which people view the world. As long as no one questions then you never notice the lens. But when somebody questions it then you see other points of views. According to terror management theory (tmt) humans struggle between the desire to live and the inevitability of death. Culture offers a way out of this conundrum, either by promising immortality (e. g. belief in the afterlife) or via contribution to the on-going culture that are unrelated to death. In other words, culture reduces anxiety and provides security. Culture promises an afterlife or a contribution that will survive after us. If you make a cultural artifact then it"ll survive and it helps other people cope with life.