COMMERCE 2AB3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Rationality, Ingratiation, Assertiveness

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19 Jun 2016

Document Summary

Power- the capacity to influence others who are in a state of dependence. Legitimate power- power derived from a person"s position or job in an organization. Reward power- power derived from the ability to provide positive outcomes and prevent negative outcomes. Coercive power- power derived from the use of punishment and threat. Referent power- power derived from being well liked by others. Expert power- power derived from having special information or expertise that is valued by an organization. Empowerment- giving people the authority, opportunity and motivation to take initiative and solve organizational problems. Influence tactics- tactics that are used to convert power into actual influence over others. Use their power to achieve organizational goals. Are relatively unconcerned with how much others like them. Subunit power- the degree of power held by various organizational subunits, such as departments. Strategic contingencies- critical factors affecting organizational effectiveness that are controlled by a key subunit.