COMMERCE 2AB3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hypersensitivity, Absenteeism, Circulatory System

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19 Jun 2016

Document Summary

Interpersonal conflict- the process that occurs when one person, group or organization subunit frustrates the goal attainment of another. As for attitudes the conflicting parties might develop a dislike for each other, see each other as unreasonable and develop negative stereotypes about them. Antagonistic behaviors might include name calling, sabotage, or even physical aggression. People have the tendency to develop a more positive view of their own group and a less positive view of those in other groups of which they are not a member. Self-esteem is a critical factor, identifying with the successes of one"s own group and disassociating one from out-group failures boosts self-esteem and provides comforting feelings of social solidarity. Some groups that people identify with include personal characteristics (race or gender), job function (sales or production, job level (manager or non-manager) Differences in groups are shown by real difference in power, opportunity, clients serviced and etc.