COMMERCE 2AB3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pearson Education, Association To Advance Collegiate Schools Of Business, Financial Plan

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Aacsb: analytical thinking: which of the following is a financial budget, budgeted balance sheet, cash receivables budget, production budget, cost of goods sold budget. Aacsb: analytical thinking: budgets are used to ________, increase the book value of its assets, communicate with external stakeholders, calculate the income tax liability, formulate company strategies. Copyright 2015 pearson education, inc: operating decisions primarily deal with ________, the best use of scarce resources, how to obtain funds to acquire resources, acquiring equipment and buildings, satisfying stockholders. Aacsb: analytical thinking: financing decisions primarily deal with ________, the use of scarce resources, how to obtain funds to acquire resources, acquiring equipment and buildings, preparing financial statements for stockholders. Aacsb: analytical thinking: which of the following is generally expressed through a short-run budget, operational plans, expansion plans, strategic plans, startup plans. Aacsb: analytical thinking: a budget is the quantitative expression of a proposed plan of action by management for a specified period.