COLLAB 2N03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Customer Satisfaction, Groupthink, Job Satisfaction

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11 Feb 2015

Document Summary

Grew up in wars, portrayed as being respectful to authorities and having high work ethic: baby boomers. Faced vibrant economy, optimistic workaholics: generation x. Small power distance: there is basically no inequality ie. Large power difference: inequality is nature and more common ie. People are uncomfortable with uncertain and ambiguous situations. Strong: stress rules & regulations hard work, conformity and security (ie. Weak: less concerned with rules and stuff (singapore, denmark sweden: masculinity/femininity. Masculine cultures differentiate gender roles, support dominance of men (japan, austria, Feminine cultures support fluid gender roles (scandinavian countries: individualism/collectivism. Individualism societies stress independences and privacy like canada, and us, whereas collectivism is when everything"s interdependence and intense fam jam shit, like pakistan, Japan: attitude: fairly stable evaluative tendency to respond consistently to some specific object, situation, person or category of people. Job satisfaction: a collection of attitudes that workers have about their jobs. Jdi measured based on a questionnaire designed around 5 facets of satisfaction.