CMST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Annie Hall, Movable Type, Reversal Potential

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The medium is the message : idea that how you say something impacts how it"s understood, channel you use to communicate the idea is as important as the idea itself. Films to check out: mcluhan"s wake, the medium is the message. Mcluhan was influenced by innis, and accepted innis" communication thesis. For mcluhan, the context of objects is less important than the act that they exit in culture and society. Reintroduced concept of subjectivity in a world obsessed with stats/numbers. Mcluhan favoured rhetoric over dialect: dialectic = analysis, taking a message and breaking it down. Logic is dialect take an idea, reduce it to its most basic concepts, define it as clearly as possible, analyze it. Subdivision, logic: rhetoric situates an object in its context. Emotional journey of an entire people over generations. The 4 laws of the medium answer to these 4 questions captures the effectiveness of the medium.