[CLASSICS 2D03] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (193 pages long)

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Most important aspect of a myth: fantastic or supernatural nature of characters, places, or events. Its age, or length of time that the myth is removed from our present: helps to explain the origins of a name, thing, or practice, the myth"s longevity, or ability to remain well known and relevant. Myths can explain things from trivial to important. Myths have endurance, old, last a long time. We have gods and goddesses in myths. Ocyrus god of the afterlife, horus, anubus humanoid with animalistic qualities. Nessie, bigfoot can be good or bad. Mythos: means story, speech, meaning, word, idea , some sort of symbol for sayong something or communicating something but generally means story. Mythos vs. logos ( truthful account : often contrasted with logos which means study, reasonable account, scholarly term, plato greek philosopher distinguished between myth (caters to emotions) vs. logos (reason, philosophy, ideas, mind) Distinction became one of superiority: reasoned inquiry into a topic (eg. mythology)