[CLASSICS 1B03] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (55 pages long)

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Document Summary

Background to the iliad: myths of the trojans; myths of the greeks. Iliad and odyssey became the standard (established the norms for all epic poets) Oral performance by bards (the poems were always made up on the spot) Composed on the spot (usually in bars or so) Epithets: adjectival phrases to describe a hero, an army, a place eg: swift-footed achilles; owl-eyed athena. They will change the phrases describing the god or hero depending on the context they are telling the story in. Common phrases act/signal as a rest for the bards and audience. We have the best edited poems/stories of the texts because they have been told for so long. Analysts: collaborative process or patchwork process (many people editing and contributed) Narrates a very short time frame within the trojan war. Very detailed: characters developed roundly (beauty is in the detail that the author provides us) Story is ilion (latin: ilium), the city we call tory.