BIOCHEM 3H03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Growth Hormone–Releasing Hormone, Elisa, Pituitary Gland

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The biosynthesis, storage, biochemistry and physiological function of hormones. The cells of the endocrine glands which secrete hormones. The pathways involved with the transport of hormones to their target cells. The extracellular and intracellular pathways associated with mediating hormone action. Serve as the molecular links to connect organ systems and biological fluids in the human body. Essential to allow body to respond to external stimuli. Required at all stages of development: hormones change between inception and adulthood. Regulate the production, storage and utilization of energy. A molecule produced by a gland and secreted in small amounts into the blood stream. Transported via the blood stream t distant organs to exert specific effect(s: produced in one site linked by blood to another site, excrete a dramatic effect by a small amount (change things quickly, cascade to amplify effect. The body has several systems to mediate function. Exocrine hormones into duct: ex. Paracrine local action: secretion from cell and affect local area.