ANTHROP 1AB3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intangible Cultural Heritage, Revitalization Movement, Feud

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Beliefs and actions related to supernatural beings and forces. The attempt to compel supernatural forces and beings to act in certain ways. A narrative with a plot that involves the supernaturally. Claude strauss, saw myths as functional cause they help people deal with deep conceptual contradictions. Cutural materialist perspective says myths store and transmit information. Direct and formalized statements about religious beliefs. A belief system in which the supernatural is conceived of as an impersonal power. A patterned form of behaviour that has to do with the supernatural realm. A ritual performed to mark a change in status from one life stage to another of an individual or group also called rite of passage. Round trip travel to a sacred place or places for purpose of religious devotion or ritual. A ritual in which normal social roles and order are temporarily reverse. A ritual in which something is offered to the supernaturals.