ANTHROP 1AA3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Forensic Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology

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Interconnected hypotheses that provide general explanations for natural or social phenomena are called: a. paradigms b. theories c. ideas d. facts e. ideologies. Which of the following is a subject that anthropologists would potentially study: the religions and myths of australian aborigines, health care in the united states, ancient native american villages, all of the above, a and b. Anthropology focuses on the role of _________________ in shaping human behavior: biology, values, culture, religion. Which of the following is not a subfield of anthropology: physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, interdisciplinary anthropology, archaeology. __________ is the study of material culture: cultural anthropology, archaeology, paleoanthropology, museum curation. ~40 questions from first part of the term. Focus on material covered in both lectures and readings. Don"t waste energy memorizing facts (% values, etc. ) Major features associated with bipedalism: explanations for the origins, shape of the knee, curving of spinal column, pelvis shape, hole in the bottom of our heads.