ANTHROP 1AA3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Homo Erectus, Homo Naledi, Food Waste

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Lecture 8: food and nutrition: pg 62-95. Six major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins (amino acids, vitamins, minerals, waters. Cultural aspects of food: cultural, religious, environmental, economic, personal factors. Alyssa alidina, 2: sustenance, biological and cultural, linked to status and power, defining and maintaining social relations. Early food production: earliest evidence from near east, wild grasses - 12000 bce, domesticated grains - 10000 bce. Influences on early food production and diet: geography, access to water, growing conditions, plant growth, some need more (cid:523)rice(cid:524), some don(cid:495)t (cid:523)wheat(cid:524, amount of sun, temp, humidity, etc, different depending on location. Universals in human food use: omnivorous diet, cooking, elaborate systems of food distribution, sharing, and exchange, food prohibitions and preferences in every culture. Food classification systems: people tend to classify foods in different ways, edible-inedible, hot-cold, wet-dry, male-female. Hot and cold classifications of food: common in latin america and asia, originally from greek theory of health (4 humors)