ANTHROP 1AA3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Participant Observation, Relativism

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Anthropology is a discipline of infinite curiosity about human beings. Anthropologists seeks answers to a variety of questions about humans. When, why, where did humans appear on earth. How and why do ancient/current societies vary so much in their customs, ideas, and practices. How can we apply our methods, data, and results to solve practical problems today? (conflict, illness, environment). Culture the customary ways of thinking and behaving for a population group. It includes language, beliefs, cuisine, music, work habits, gender roles, child rearing, dress, how houses are built, and other practices/tasks should be done. Ethnography description of an aspect of a culture and going into the culture and observing, conducting fieldwork, doing interviews. Ethnohistorian studies how the way of life of a particular group of people has changed over time. They investigate historical documents such as missionary accounts, reports by traders and explorers, and government records.