SOCI 210 Final: SOCI210 all lecture notes

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Defining sociology: society/social relations, breadth of analysis relationship between individual and structure, science: methods, assumptions, limitations. What sociology does: analyzing and explaining patterns of social relations. Sociology is the scientific study of social relations, focusing on diverse types of social relations and the link between individuals and social structures. Only discipline that looks at all types of social relations; not limited: broad view: other disciplines take a limited view, but sociology analyzes all types and aspects of social relations. Focus: individual and structure: relative to other disciplines, sociology focuses more on relationship between individuals and social structures; See individual and social structures as inseparable; they are different but they are always interrelated. Norbert elias dance analogy: ca(cid:374)(cid:859)t ha(cid:448)e a da(cid:374)(cid:272)e (cid:449)ithout da(cid:374)(cid:272)e(cid:396)s, (cid:271)ut (cid:272)a(cid:374)(cid:859)t ha(cid:448)e dancers without a dance: social structure: enduring patterns of social relations; relations that people have. Enduring and have patterns (2 main characteristics)