PSYC 212 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lidocaine, Parosmia, Umbrella Term

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Coarticulation: speech production is very fast: 10-15 consonants and vowels per second (can be doubled if talk fast, experienced talkers position tongue in anticipation of the next consonant or vowel, causing coarticulation. )t(cid:495)s all in anticipation when we pronounce the (cid:494)d(cid:495), our vocal tract anticipates the second formant for (cid:494)i(cid:495), so the (cid:494)d(cid:495) sound will be higher in frequency. When we speak, we aren(cid:495)t pronouncing every phoneme separately, but are all blended together. Which causes it to be challenging for speech perception how can we say that two patterns of. Categorical perception: we think the auditory system is doing categorical perception, example with the monkeys and the cows being morphed together. Perception doesn(cid:495)t reflect the actual mixture of visual input, but is biased towards pre-existing. People perceive sharp transitions between monkey and cows categories: example with the cows and monkeys different or the same. The intersect between cow and monkey boundary is sharp.