PSYC 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Monocular Vision, Depth Perception, Retina

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13 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Euclidian geometry: parallel lines remain parallel as they are extended in space: objects maintain the same size and shape as they move around in space. Internal angles of a triangle always add up to 180 degrees, etc. Notice that images projected onto the retina are non-euclidean! Therefore, our brains work with non-euclidean geometry all the time, even though we are not aware of it. Lines that are parrallel in the external world, converge towards the horizon in our retinal image of the world. Objects that are the same size in the external world, shrink with distance in our retinal image of the world. How do we perceive space: monocular cues- escher. Impression of depth: binocular vision and stereopsis. If something is occluding something else, it has to be infront: metrical depth cue: a depth cue that provides quantitative information about distance in the third dimension.