PSYC 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Noumenon, Immortal Souls, Pineapple

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13 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Rationalism: we can"t trust our senses at all, what matters is the realm of ideal forms that we can only know using our reason. Nativism/innatism: we are born already knowing the world. Hobbes (1588 1679)/ locke (1632 1704) Empiricism: knowledge is obtained by means of perceptual experiences. Cannot be reduced to, or defined by, anything else (e. g. the blueness of the colour blue) Have to get into the mind by experience (e. g. impossible to know what a pineapple tastes like if you have never tasted one: complex ideas: Are made from simpler ideas (e. g. a horse is an animal that has four legs, it is taller than a man , etc ) Idealism: human knowledge is a construction of the mind and does not necessarily correspond to the external reality. E. g. we perceive the world in 3d but our retina is flat: we think that we observe causation, but in reality all we see is co-occurrence.