PSYC 211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Choroid, Epsp Synthase, Radial Glial Cell

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Consciousness: we are aware of our thoughts, perceptions, memories and feelings. Consciousness is a physiological process, and therefore can be altered with alterations to the brain. Blindsight: the ability of a person to perceive (reach and touch accurately) an object outside of their line of sight without perceiving them. Caused by damage to the mammalian system of vision. Our brain/behaviour can be influenced by stimuli we are unaware of. The brain has two types of vision: primitive responsible for eye movement and objects outside the immediate line of vision, simple, mammalian world perception, complex. Consciousness is not a quality of all parts of the brain. Split brains: an operation disconnecting the verbal brain from the perceptual brain through cutting of the corpus callosum. This is because one side is overactive, and transmits this disquiet to the other side, causing a seizure. By severing their ties, this can no longer be transmitted.