PSYC 211 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jackhammer, Motor Learning, Dendritic Spine

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21 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Tuning out a noisy jackhammer (non-associative; this example is habituation learning) This is the most different from the other three types. You sense the stimulus more and more every time. This is an example of non-associative learning because you are not associating two different things; it is the same stimulus that is being presented to you over and over again. Ltp and ltd is about fire together, wire together. Finding that inputs are important what inputs are not important. If it is not important, we learn to ignore it. Habituation and sensitization are not necessarily ltp and ltd. One is a behavioral phenomenon and the other is a cellular phenomenon. There is an overlap but we talk about them separately. Ltp is basically just making synapses more potent or more powerful. If an animal learns that something important is happening (one input predicts another input), that synapse becomes more powerful and so you need less stimulation to get a reaction.