POLI 244 Study Guide - Security Dilemma, Identity Formation

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Constructivism: society is defined by a set of norms. Think about how this compares to the tit-for-tat problem/prisoners dilemma (this is a game with strategic calculations, whereas socialization is not). Realist would say: security dilemma, i get weapons, you get weapons, i get more, you get more . Liberalism would say: weapons create a situation of parody between nations and this would work as an incentive to co-operate. Constructivism would say: weapons become a norm, there is a shared understanding of what defines a powerful nation and nuclear weapons become symbolic of a state"s status. They are all just copying each other/imitation. (which may be a vast oversimplification, but that is constructivism) Problem when people do not copy each other: legitimacy and cooperation: International organizations: non state actors that can shape the system and lead states to act in a certain way. They consider an enforcement mechanism that is voluntary.