POLI 244 Study Guide - Bretton Woods System, Pax Britannica, Warsaw Pact

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Chapter 1 (main dvpts in evolution of wp in last 500 years) 16th century and later: world controlled by w europeans mercantilism. 2 main interests = own political and military power + access to world markets and resources. 3 principal mechanism of doctrine: monopolize trade and other econ activity. 4 30 years war (17th c. ) peace of westphalia: decline of spain, rumored to have created modern state system through recognition of principles of sovereignty and non-intervention. 5 1815-1914: common interest of global economic integration. 6 pax britannica ( br peace ): 1815-1914, british diplomatic, military and econ predominance. 7 1840s: britain discards of mercantilism liberalization: integration into world markets. 8 gold standard: 1870-1914, monetary system in which countries tied currencies to gold at fixed price. Post-cw: gradual growth of intl org. and un involvement in military and diplomatic conflicts with less reliance on unilateral action.