POLI 232 Study Guide - The Communist Manifesto, Idyll, Proletariat

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14 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Part 1: bourgeois and proletarians: the history of all society hitherto is the history of class struggles. Class struggles have been evident throughout history, ever since societies began. Oppressor and oppressed stand in constant opposition to each other. Modern bourgeois society is a continuation of earlier class antagonism, but specified (instead of several distinct classes, society is separated into two: the proletariat and the bourgeoisie) Colonialism has added to the power of the bourgeoisie (commerce, etc. ) The manufacturing system took the place of the feudal system or the guild system of industry. Big industry emerged, which established a world market: industry has been extended, so has the bourgeoisie. The executive of the state has the purpose of managing the common affairs of the bourgeoisie. Turned every relation into a monetary relation (including the family) Demands the constant, radical transformation of production, and has established itself in every part of the world. National industries have been destroyed or are being destroyed.