POLI 200- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 38 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Social sciences come from political origins: initial science/philosophy 3 cleavages. Poli sci bent towards: generalization/objectivity (borrowing from the scienti c method, study of the state (market/civil society as they interact w/ the state, study of current issues (generation before us) Characteristics: no homogeneity, 2 main dimensions. Recreational? (although still can be used towards an applied concept) Whether research covers new facts: empirical/nonempirical. Normative philosophy: political theory, looking at reality in certain ways, what should happen in the world, valued look at society, judgements/comparisons, what ought to be. Engineering research (policy: looks at reality, uses evidence to try and advance normative values through policy. Formal theory: assuming people use rational choice in interactions, assuming we know how they would act, models behavior ((people want money/power/happiness)) Theory-oriented research: problem exists > research is to nd out more but not necessarily assign a policy solution.