[PHGY 209] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 60 pages long Study Guide!

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Transport mechanisms: the practicality of cells, depends on the relative constancy of the internal environment (milieu interieur, requires exchanges with the internal and external environment, mov"t of materials happens between compartments. Functions: support distinct compositions of icf and isf, be selectively permeable. Exhibiting lateral mobility: proteins (polypeptides made of amino acids): Integral: closely associated with phospholipids, mostly cross the membrane (trans- membrane) Peripheral: more loosely associated, mostly on the cytoplasmic side: glycolic: carbs and glycoproteins on outer side of membrane, cholesterol: inserted in phospholipid layer. Trans-membrane transport pathways: via phospholipid bilayer, via interaction with protein cluster (channel or carrier) Factors affecteing transport: lipid solubility, particle size, electrical charge, availability & number of carriers and ion channels. Transport mechanisms: passive energy independent, diffusion, carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion, osmosis, active energy dependent, carrier-mediated active transport (primary & secondary, pino/phagocytosis. Rate: rate of diffusion may be calculated by fick"s law of diffusion: J = net flux: net movement of mo. across membrane.