MUAR 211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Protestantism, Gigue, Movable Type

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Female soprano voice and harp as the other voice. One of the melody lines is still known today (based on the melody l"homme arm ) Belinda(cid:499) from (cid:498)when i am laid in earth(cid:499) from. The tutti (accompanying orchestra) is plucking their strings (pizzicato) Tenor, obligato violin, basso continuo (organ and cello) 3 parts. Satb quartet with basso continuo (organ and cello) Orchestra and basso continuo (cello and harpsichord) + female vocalist in the second half. Contain sacred music exclusively, intended to serve the function of christian worship. Sacred culture: anything intended to serve as part of religious worship. Secular culture: everything else, including art intended for entertainment. A song can be a plainchant but not a gregorian chant (gregorian chants also plainchants but legacy of pope st. gregory) Has specific chants to be sung throughout the day. Proper of mass (or mass proper): includes alleluia. Scales that served as the basis for the harmonic language of medieval music.