MUAR 211 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Pizzicato, Sprechgesang, Anton Webern

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& evocative sounds of words in combination; metaphorically & symbolically rich in meaning but meaning often ambiguous & open to multiple interpretations. Pentatonic scale: 5 pitch scale; adds exotic (non-tonal) sound to piece; found in music of exotic cultures; played on the black notes of a keyboard. Whole tone scale: a scale comprising only six notes o the octave, each a whole tone apart. Pedal tone/pedal point: long held notes, normally in the bass, that sound against changing harmonies in the upper parts. Avant garde: in the most advanced style; often questions fundamental assumptions; can be very challenging for performers & audiences; point of work can be to pose questions never asked before. World war i took place from 1914-1918. World war ii took place from 1939-1945. Modernism: style in music that aims to break with classical & traditional forms. Exoticism: the condition of being foreign, striking or unusual.