HIST 388 Midterm: 388 - Week 7 - Midterm 1 - Revision Notes .docx

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12 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Historian and philosopher nolte = years from 1914-1945, possibly beyond, constitute a least a european civil war referred to the. Week 1, lecture 2 peace treaties, 1919. Roots of wwii lie in the aftermath of wwi the peace settlement of versailles contained the seeds of belligerence as no one was content with the agreements and all wanted them to be revised: Polish immediately started a war against russia claiming territory they said was there"s by right. French were unhappy and continued to be so, for long after 1919 = occupied the industrial heartland of germany during peacetime revisionist power". Germans were probably the most unhappy as they had lost the most territory and power. = the situation was unfavourable for a balanced and durable settlement in 1918. Four great empires had been destroyed = notably germany: lost entire high seas fleet, all colonies, territory in europe, army reduced to 100,000. Nations were turned against war = esp.