ANTH 203 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Prognathism, Treeshrew, Acheulean

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Diploid: a somatic (body) cell with 46 chromosomes in humans. Haploid: a germ cell with 23 chromosomes in humans. Meiosis: the process of germ cell division, whereby a diploid cell divides into 4 haploid gametes. Gamete: a haploid sex cell that has undergone meiosis. Zygote: a diploid cell resulting from the union of the parents" gametes. Gene: a portion of dna within a chromosome. Genes are the basic units of heredity; one or more genes together determine whether or not you"ll have a trait. You receive one of these 2 possible alleles from each parent. Genotype: a pair of alleles, one from each parent. ((aa), (aa), (aa)) Homozygous: having inherited 2 identical alleles from mom and dad. ((aa), (aa)) Heterozygous: having inherited 2 different alleles from mom and dad. (aa) Dominant: describes an allele (a) that always expresses itself phenotypically. Recessive: describes an allele (a) that only expresses itself when not paired with a dominant allele.