BIOL 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Orf 2, Antigen, Syrian Arab News Agency

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22 Jun 2016

Document Summary

Ssr are hyper variable, so they are good for ngerprinting. Always subtle di erences between father and child, but no di erences between the same person. Function as rna not protein ex. rrna, trna. Tir opposite ends of opposite strands have the same bases. Transposon cuts out of the dna and transposes somewhere else in the genome. Acts as a dna intermediate brie y before inserting in the target dna. Cut the transposon by transposase at the tsd (blunt end, no overhang) Staggered cut in the target dna transposase ligates transposon to 5" single stranded end. Dna pol extends thee 3" ends, ligase going ends to 5" ends of transposon. Fuse viral particle with pm of host, release nucleocapsid. Rna is reverse transcribed to produce a dna copy of genome dsdna imported into nucleus and incorporated into host genome (provirus) Transcribed into mrna, translated to protein (srna is retroviral genome)