ANTH-110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Tagula Island, Bride Price, Kinship

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14 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Primary production involves food getting activities such as gathering, hunting, fishing, herding, and agriculture. Secondary production involves activities related to preparing and processing foods for eating or storing. The way societies allocate different work or activities for males and females. People who collect food that is available in nature (fruits, vegetables, nuts, animals, and fish) either by gathering, hunting, or fishing, rather than producing it. Growing domesticated crops in gardens with simple hand tools and having plots lie fallow for varying lengths of time. A food-producing strategy based on the care of herds of domesticated animals, typically practised by nomadic or semi nomadic peoples. A form of cultivation that uses plows, draft animals, irrigation, and fertilizer to: bring much land under cultivation at one time, use it year after year, and to produce significant crop surpluses. A marriage exchange in which the wife"s kin group provides gifts to the husband"s kin group.