PSYC-2606EL Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Faculty Psychology, Pineal Gland, Francis Galton

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D observations: measurements, how do they do it, when do they do it, is it between relatives, gender, age. E comparative: difference between species, how the act can manifest in different ways. Development: age vs. learning, how much is genetic and how much is innate. M biological: does it release hormones, does it require hormones, neurotransmitters. A cognitive: the effects on development, submission vs. dominance. Cut connections between parts of the nervous system. Somatic: inject hormone such as leptin into the body and view how it affects eating behavior. Behavioral: using different food choices, introduce a stressor and observe changes. Correlational: how much is eaten and the level of leptin in the body. Biological: holistic view; somatic, behavioral, and correlational all affect one another. States that the senses deceive us and our perception of the world as it really is. The real world can only be understood using logic: