HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: General Glut, Endangerment, Enquiry Concerning Political Justice

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Malthus is the second of the trinity (smith, malthus, and ricardo) who laid the foundations of classical english political economy. His father, daniel malthus, was a well-read intellectual and was a friend of great philosophers like hume and rousseau. He graduated from cambridge in 1788, left cambridge in 1804 and settled in the. In 1807, he was appointed professor of history and political economy at a. College founded by the east india company at haileyburg (england), a post which he held until his death in 1834. Malthus was a pessimist and he is known for his theory of population. His principle of population, which has immortalized his name, states that population grows more rapidly than food supply. This will eventually lead to a dismal state of overpopulation and poverty. His pessimistic view gave economics an image of dismal science. By 1798 when he published his book (his masterpiece) entitled an essay on the.