HIST-1107EL Quiz: Iraqi prime minister

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May 1941: iraqi prime minister rashid ali attempts a coup, which results in rebellion and an invasion of british troops. August-september 1941: allied powers invade iran and force reza shah pahlevi into exile. 1942: britain forces egypt"s king faruq to appoint a pro-british prime minister. January 1, 1944: france grants lebanon full independence. March 22, 1945: egypt, iraq, lebanon, syria, saudi arabia, transjordan, and northern yemen form the arab league. January 7, 1946: a second political party, the democratic party, is formed in. January 19, 1946: iran complains to the newly formed un security council, demanding that soviet troops withdraw. January 22, 1946: the kurdish democratic party, or kdp, is formed in iraq. April 1946: syria gains hard-fought independence from the french. May 14, 1948: the state of israel is established. (1. 3 million arabs to 650,000 jews), Britain makes plans for its withdrawal and leaves the question of what to do with.