HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Pessimism, Structural Adjustment, Nationstates

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Situation changed when portugal"s leader was overthrown because. Portugese army wanted to withdraw from colonial wars in africa; transfers of power guaranteed to guinea-bissau, mozambique and angola. Ethiopia coup dethroned the emperor new republic controlled by military spread socialist sentiments and relied on marxist ideas to modernize. South african forces invade, cuban forces arrived, us refused to supply funds. Cuban troops assisted mpla to defeat south african and fnla-unita forces so angola emerged as an independent state with strong links to the communist bloc. Zimbabwe regional balance of power also transformed as rhodesia was bordered by hostile states escalation of guerilla war within rhodesia made government more susceptible to pressure from britain and the united. States for a political settlement that would deliver majority rule black moderate leader put in power but this retained many white privileges forced to talks in london to agree to a majority rule (zanu)