PSYCH 1100 Study Guide - Surrogacy, Baby Talk, Social Change

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Development psychology: the study of progressive changes in behavior and abilities from conception to death. Heredity ( nature ): the transmission of physical and psychological characteristics from parents to offspring though genes. Dna: a molecular structure that contains coded genetic information. Chromosomes: thread-like coloured bodies in the nucleus of each cell that are made up of dna. Genes: specific areas on a strand of dna that carry hereditary information. Dominant gene: a gene whose influence will be expressed only when it is paired with a second recessive gene. Polygenic characteristics: personal traits or physical properties that are influenced by many genes working in combination. Maturation: the physical growth and development of the body, brain, and nervous system. Readiness: a condition that exists when maturation has advanced enough to allow the rapid acquisition of a particular skill. Environment ( nurture ): the sum of all external conditions affecting development, including especially the effects of learning.