BIOL 1130 Study Guide - Lycopodiopsida, Lycopodium, Psilotopsida

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The seedless vascular plants: ferns and their relatives. Four phyla -characterized by the presence of vascular tissue but still have spores not seeds and need water to reproduce. They have independent gametophyte and sporophyte and show alternation of generations. Ferns were the dominant vegetation 350 million years ago. Shown below is a drawing of the prehistoric habitat. Most of the trees are giant club mosses. The frondlike leaves in the foreground are seed ferns. The whisk ferns loosely resemble small, green whisk brooms. Sporophytes consist almost entirely of dichotomously forking aerial stems. Enations tiny green, leaf-like, veinless photosynthetic flap tissues -spirally arranged along stems. Resemble little christmas trees, resemble little christmas trees, complete with cones. Spores are produced in spore bearing leaves called sporophylls. Sporophylls are arranged in a conical shaped structures at the terminal end of structures at the terminal end of a branch called strobilus. Sporangia are produced in the axils of sporophylls as kidney shaped structures.