BIOL-1003 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nuclear Membrane, Operon, Tata Box

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B i o l o g y 1002b. Fill the bubbles completely: use hb pencil only, no stray marks or doodles, make all erasures complete. Do not write your name on the cover. Your scantron answers will be emailed to your uwo email account within a week. Review copies of this test will posted on webct for study purposes: please place your id prominently on your desk and sign the attendance sheet when it comes to you, there are 32 questions in this test. Indicate your answers in both the test paper and on the. We will collect both your test book and your scantron sheet. Test books will be returned to you in tutorial. The scantron marking program has a cheating analysis feature that compares answer patterns for all papers. Do not sit near your study partners or write the same test codes. Keep your work directly in front of you.