BIOL 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Disaccharide, Monosaccharide, Lysosome

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Golgi apparatus referred to as the golgi complex named after camilio golgi every cell at least have one adjacent to the er but not connected each stack (cisternae) are not to connected to each other (cid:224) formed from er vesicles (cid:224) cis, medial and tans cisternae (polarity) (cid:224) vesicles transports enzymes. Mainly composed of glycoproteins (proteins attached to long sugar chains: collagen is the most abundant protein (cid:224) found on the outside of the cells (cid:224) an example of a glycoprotein(glycol sugar, protein amino acids) (more protein, less sugar) (cid:224) with age, collagen breaks down (cid:224) causes wrinkles (cid:224) can be used to get rid of scars, proteoglycans majority of them have large amount of sugar and less protein (cid:224) connected on the inside of the cell, even if it is in the outside. Macromolecules: carbohydrates (i. e. sugars, lipids (i. e. fats, proteins, nucleic acids. Molecules that store energy potential energy.