PSYC 305- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 43 pages long!)

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Wundt pivotal role in founding psychology not everyone agreed with him. European psychologists debated topics methodology, appropriate subject matter of psychology, theoretical positions + basic assumptions. System: organized way of envisioning the world or some aspect of the world. Wundt defined psychology: science that investigates the facts of consciousness. (2) systems include assumptions about major issues. Wundt humans possess only limited free will. Freud built psychoanalysis on deterministic assumption that all mental phenomena are caused. (3) prescribe methodologies or ways to investigate various subjects of interest. (4) systems specify the subject matter of a discipline. Wundt concerned with discovery of the elements of consciousness + the way these elements combine. Freud studied unconscious mind + its influence vs watson focused on observable. (5) system may be construed as open/ closed to new sources of information. + exists in hierarchical arrangement responsive to new + multiple sources of information restricts/ censors the flow of ideas.