POLI 204- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 16 pages long!)

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Document Summary

The canadian house of commons has very disciplined parties, traditionally notable for their ideological heterogeneity and wider membership. This has been tested over time, and seem to rarely change. This idea of different ideologies connected by parties is unseen elsewhere. This article addresses how canadian parties are very disciplined but lack strong ideological cohesion. The system featured two main parties and third, smaller party: liberals, progressive. Conservatives, and new democrats (more ideologically focused social democratic party). The reform party & bloc quebecois rose, but weren"t able to surpass the main three. Changed the parliament into three to ve parties. Very brokerage model, wins support in all regions with their shifting philosophy of governing that spans the ideological centre. Reform party: more ideologically focused, presenting right-wing, populist agenda of lower taxes and limited government. Conservatives: on political right, closer to style in national, brokerage liberals.