PHIL 210 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Deductive Reasoning, Oat

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Chapter 1 the parts of public thinking deductive argument. Add all 3 up: its possible to have argument with all 3 mentioned, linked, convergent, sequential. Oat bran is affordable and can be added to many different dishes: therefore, Oat bran is good value for the money: therefore, Oat bran is a good ingredient to have at home. Truth conditions: how things would have to be for statement to be true. Truth and reasonability: arguments are: valid or invalid, sound or unsound. Reasonable statement: has sufficient evidence to render it acceptable. We aim at the truth when defending our assertions, but the means by which we aim, is their reasonableness according to our info at any given time. Reasonableness comes in degrees; overwhelming, considerable, marginal, and none. Truth is bivalent (having only 2 two possible truth values) Necessary truths and definitional truths: must accept these as true, necessary truths: