PHIL 210 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Deductive Reasoning, Soundness

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Chapter 1 the parts of public thinking deductive argument. Rational slipups are easy in some cognitive terrain: careful habits in thinking and reasoning are the cognitive equivalent of walking. The presentation of the fundamental unit of reasoning is the argument. The main focus of this chapter is deductive arguments. What is it to believe something for good reason: justification/ warrant; Can be rationally defended on the basis of evidence. There are reasons for believing what we do; as in explanations. But furthermore, we have reasons for believing what we do. Some beliefs we have, truisms, like cars have wheels and ground gets wet when it rains don"t require us to go further in depth for why we believe them. We don"t reflect on justifications for these beliefs. Other beliefs like me thinking hotdogs are best with mustard are not shared by others, but we don"t want to take time to argue it.