LING 475 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tabula Rasa, Empiricism, Inductive Reasoning

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Empiricism is the thought that knowledge comes from sense-experiences. Knowledge is acquired through experiences & filtering those experiences through our senses. According to locke, all knowledge is a posteriori, dependent upon sense experiences. He states that the term, tabula rosa is that all humans" beings are born with a blank slate. He rejected that we were born with pre -loaded information; (innate ideas) in other words we were born knowing nothing. The most prominent empiricists in the 17th and 18th century was locke, Hume"s main claim about the nature of language was influenced by our feelings than by reason. Berkeley main claim about the nature of human language was deeply concerned with the nature of signification and the role of signs in human thought, knowledge, and language. British empiricists, locke, berkley and hume, influenced the study of language in the 17th/18th century through, by denying the role of innate ideas and deduction in the quest for knowledge.