[MARK 305] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 161 pages long Study Guide!

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Study of the processes involed when individuas or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, services, ideas, experiences to satisfy needs and desires. It is an ongoing process, not just what happens in the moment. Field of consumer bejavior used to be often referred to as buyer behavior. Exchange: two or more organization or people give and receive something of value. Consumer response is ultimate test of whether marketing strategy will succeed. Market segmentation: identifies groups of consumers who are similar to one another in one or more ways and then devises strategies that appeal to groups. Demographics: stats that measure observable aspects of a population. Psychographics: differences in consumers personalities, attitudes, values, lifestyles. Lifestyles: beyond demographics (what we like to do in our spare time) Making an effort to interact with customers on a regular basis, giving them reasons to maintain a bond with a company over time.