BIOL 371 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hexose, Plastoquinone, Periplasm

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6 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 14 miniquiz questions (14. 1-14. 5, 14. 7, 14. 10-14. 13) Oxygenic photosynthesis: oxidation of h20 producing o2. In anoxygenic, only photosystem 1 is used, h2o is not the electron source (no o2 formed), uses bacteriochlorophylls, and different mechanism for generating nadph. Both are tetrapyrroles that are related to the parent structure of the cytochromes. Unlike cytochromes, they contain mg in the center instead of fe. Bacteriochlorophyll a, present in most purple bacteria, absorbs maximally at 800-935. In purple bacteria, the photosynthetic pigments are integrated into internal membrane systems that arise from invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane. Membrane vesicles called chromatophores or membrane stacks called lamellae are common. Green bacteria possess chlorosomes, the ultimate structure for capturing energy from low light intensities. They function as giant antenna systems, but the bacteriochlorophyll molecules are not attached to proteins. Pigments transfer light energy to reaction center through fmo protein. Phycobilliprotiens: cyanobacteria and the chloroplasts of red algae.