ARTH 298 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Monument-National, Jean-Talon Market

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Arth 298 montreal: evolution through architecture and urbanism. Montreal"s main, more commonly known as the st lawrence boulevard, has been known to divide the city for decades. In the past, it was known to divide the city"s east and west side. The north, which was actually 60 degrees off course, and the south which was in reality, the water. This was not relevant but was commonly perceived throughout the city of montreal. 1 the beautiful and multi-cultural city has evolved over the years through ethnicity, landmarks, and industrial expansions. Particularly, st lawrence boulevard is the home of many of these aspects that make montreal a multi-cultural and historical city. As discussed in lesson 5, the mark of multi-culturalism began in 1891, when the french made their first move and marked their territory on the anglophone area of montreal. Architects perrault, mesnard, and venne designed the building with a very.