AHSC 260 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Needs Assessment, Impact Assessment, Summative Assessment

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Document Summary

Main point: if a program is created with impact in mind, there is a high chance it will be successful at completing its goal. Impact in physics is: the force with which one body strikes another or with which two objects collide. Thinking about impact is important because it forces us to think beyond the immediate conclusions of our program: this allows us to think about the designs of the program differently. They focus on qualities that can help people better themselves and their communities. In order to make an impact, the program must be seen in the context of program/service planning cycle: needs assessment policy and strategy development planning. Needs assessment: identifying needs in the thru by specific research. Adopting policy: preliminary statement of expected impact related to need. Strategies: the impact can be best achieved by doing x, y and. Plan of action: indicates the approach that will be followed to achieve impact.