WGST 1808 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nerd, Heteronormativity, Loopback

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Feminism has developed differently in different regions and within different groups, it is not and has never been one monolithic, universal movement. What do we mean by equality? there are many different notions of what it means to be equal. We live in a consumer culture, billions of dollars are at stake when it comes to women feeling bad about themselves. Cosmo was groundbreaking because it talks about sexual freedom for women, but also tells women they are not good enough. Consumer culture wants women to buy into this notion that they need to be better. Feminists are man-haters --> hate is unattractive, turns people away. Feminism is generally against the patriarchy (men holding power, bias towards men), feminists desire equality and social justice and question existing power structures. Some men are marginalized, too (men of colour, trans men) Feminists are white old ladies/all the same --> goes back to previous waves of western feminism.