PSYC 3702 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Retina, Fusiform Face Area, Temporal Lobe

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1: describe the psychophysical law most often associated with "absolute and differential threshold" measurements and describe a real-world example where differential threshold determinations are made (page 21, webers law. It is the probability of absorption that changes photoreceptor sensitivity: describe the rbc (recognition by components) theory of object recognition and briefly discuss its strengths and weaknesses (page 121) Recognition by components model : objects are recognized by identities and relationships of their component parts. Strengths: object recognition by components then allows us to identify many common shapes that make up an object. And identify an object in middle vision quickly (after first stimulus but before higher order concepts). dependent on view point. So component shapes are not always recognized from each angle. This theory then presents an incomplete way to understand how we recognize objects. Weaknesses: however this element of visual perception is highly: describe the zone theory of colour vision. (page 171, zone 1: transduction.